Monday, October 25, 2010

Excerpt from my book: LEGACY

Frank moves towards the door - his heart pounding heavily against his rib cage - one very short step at a time, beads of sweat break across his forehead and trickle down his face, flushing his eyes, he blinks intermittently. He glances around furtively, his hands shake violently, and he feels faint. His lungs collapse slowly, overworked by the increased supply of adrenaline speeding through his veins. He listens to a sound screaming in his head, the sound of a thousand running horses. He takes a step back and stumbles. He holds the wall on his left-side, his eyes closed tight. He leans against the wall and shut his ears with his shaking hands. He struggles to block out the massive sound of running hooves; he turns to his right-side, eyes still closed tight, the sound gets louder and stronger and closer. He turns around sharply, opens his eyes, and a thousand ferocious galloping horses slam into him - crushing him under their hooves. He screams out loud, flailing wildly, as he struggles to sit up. A pair of strong hands grab his shoulders, he opens his eyes - grimy sweat pouring down his body - he looks up at John, holding him down on his bed. It is a dream.

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Location:2nd Ave,New York,United States